It began as your classic boy-meets-girl story. Call it karma or destiny, but there was definitely some sort of magic afoot on that snowy night in December five years ago when Jewel walked into The Sheridan Opera House. We struck up a friendship over cups of tea laced with laughter.  Soon thereafter, Jewel came up with the idea of creating a line of  jewelry- but with a twist:  we had to have a purpose beyond putting more beautiful objects out in the world. After 24 hours of brainstorming, we decided to connect the dots between our creations and her roots in Alaska. A vision seen in the night sky or spotted on a walk in nature. A magical moment in the wild Alaskan frontier. Those and other images like them would be captured in the form of symbols that comprise each of our pieces.  They would give our creations their names too. Ideas flowed like water. And, as they say, the rest is history.

Working with someone like Jewel is a transformational, life-affirming experience. Jewel's talent as a musician and a writer is internationally renowned.  But more than that, she is a woman who lives her values.  It is easy to capture an essence when it is as transparent and pure as Jewel's.  And it is her authenticity that became the template upon which our joint venture was built.

We assembled or made from scratch every single piece in our lines, imbuing each object with the spirit of friendship, generosity and kindness, the latter of Jewel's keystone values. The scope of our company, Songlines, will change as we grow,  but those values will remain the same.  They will be the foundation upon which our company grows.  

This is only the beginning. 

Thank you for reading.

Jewel and Team Songlines.....

Team Songlines consists of Christopher Beaver, Colleen Thompson and Ava Nelson (sadly not pictured).  We are a cooperative of jewelry artists who banded together to create this collection with Jewel, our beloved muse.  Both Colleen and Ava studied jewelry under their fearless and diabolically funny teacher, Christopher.  As the project developed it seemed like a natural and cosmic synchronicity to join forces to create Team Songlines.  Each one of us worked diligently to bring you the collection you see before you and we look forward to serving you.  Reach out to us!  We want to know what you are thinking...

Thank you for your support,

Christopher, Colleen and Ava



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